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Brad Bernstein’s Award-Winning Infotainment Talk Show Provides Invaluable Legal and Immigration Help

Immigration has been on the rise in many countries over the past decade. Among them, America tops the list because of the increasing number of people seeking to live the American dream. This has nudged the country’s government to form a strict immigration law that will safeguard the interest of its citizens while also maintaining peace and harmony in the country. This has made the immigration law of America a lengthy and complicated process for any outsider wanting to live a better life. Brad Bernstein, a seasoned immigration lawyer in America, has stepped in to help these people live their dreams in America.

Brad Bernstein is a graduate of Michigan and Brooklyn law schools. This doesn’t mean he’s had an easy career. He started as a solo practitioner and gradually climbed the ladder of success to become a master consultant in this space. To date, Brad has handled more than 100,000 immigration cases. He has grown in his experience and wisdom, with each case offering a distinct challenge for him to overcome.

Throughout his career, Brad noticed how desperately people needed legal guidance in the case of immigration procedures. This prompted him to start a live show where he can answer all immigration-related queries directly. His show is broadcasted on an FM radio station and has managed to pull an insane number of listeners over the time it has been on the air. Many prominent personalities have been a guest on the show, sharing their success stories as immigrants.

Brad felt that his radio show was time-bound and that more people were waiting for his response to their questions. Brad started conducting Facebook live shows from 6 to 8 pm every day to reach out to those people. His shows are highly interactive, where Brad personally replies to each question and even accepts calls and answers them live. Besides the interactive part, Brad also shares current updates related to immigration laws and news. His idea is to simplify the complicated immigration process for people to encourage them to chase their dreams.

After the rolling success of his Facebook live sessions, Brad thought of widening his reach on other social media platforms as well. He soon started going live on YouTube, pulling a whopping number of viewers in a short period. To ensure all his shows are informative and fun for the audience to engage in, Brad has maintained a team of 18 employees who are completely dedicated to make every session a success. He wants every viewer or listener to come to his show with a query on immigration and stay for the fun and light mood it creates.

Brad has a personal studio at home for his shows and live sessions. His studio is equipped with state-of-the facilities to ensure his voice reaches the audience.

Brad Bernstein is putting in every effort to help people live the American dream. He wants to continue this journey in the coming years. Going forward, he wants to expand his reach to more people across social media because he feels this is the best medium to connect to people worldwide.

Source: https://dailycaller.com/2021/09/08/brad-bernsteins-award-winning-infotainment-talk-show-provides-invaluable-legal-and-immigration-help/