Imagine you are about to file an immigration application or petition when a sudden emergency happens, and you lose your job or face mounting medical bills.
Will you have to stop your immigration journey because you cannot make ends meet?
Luckily, there is a way to waive the fees, and it is called Form I-912.
We will explain how it works, when you can use it and how to request a waiver of your fees.
What Is Form I-912?
Form I-912, Request for Fee Waiver, is an immigration form that you can use to apply for a waiver of fees for your immigration application or petition.
It is filed with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) when you cannot afford to pay the fees.
Here are some examples of applications or petitions for which you can file Form I-912:
- Form N-400, Application for Naturalization
- Form N-600, Application for Certificate of Citizenship
- Form N-565, Application for Replacement Naturalization
- Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, provided you are not filing under category (c)(33), Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
- Form I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card (Green Card)
Who Can File I-912?
To qualify for a fee waiver, you need to prove one of the following:
- Financial hardship due to unusual expenses or other situations — for example, unemployment, medical expenses for yourself and your family, or marital separation or divorce
- Low household income at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines
- Means-tested benefits based on your income and resources — for example, Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
To back each criterion, you must provide supporting documents.

Form I-912: The Process
To increase the chance of approval of your Form I-912, follow the steps below.
1. Find Form I-912
Visit the USCIS website and type ‘Form I-912′ in the search bar or go to the ‘All Forms’ section to find the document.
Make sure you have the most current version of Form I-912 and its instructions by checking the date in the top-right corner.
2. Verify Your Eligibility For A Fee Waiver
Ensure you meet one or more of the criteria (as discussed in the section above).
3. Gather Supporting Documents
Collect documents that prove your eligibility. They may vary depending on your situation.
If you are filing Form I-912 based on financial hardship, you can prepare:
- Medical bills or healthcare expense statements
- Eviction or foreclosure notices
- Proof of recent job loss — for example, a termination letter
- Debt collection letters
- Bank statements showing insufficient funds
If you are filing based on low income, you can include:
- Recent federal or state tax returns
- Pay stubs for the last months
- Unemployment benefits statements
- Social Security benefits statements
- Evidence of household members’ income
If you are filing based on means-tested benefits, you can use:
- Approval notices for benefits
- Medicaid cards or notices
- SNAP (food stamp) eligibility letters
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI) approval letters
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) approval letters
4. Complete Form I-912
Fill out each part of the form accurately.
- Part 1: Include the reasons for your request. You can select several options if you think you meet the criteria. Indicate your immigrant or nonimmigrant status.
- Part 2: Enter your information — name, alien registration number, USCIS online account number, date of birth, and marital status.
- Part 3: List the form numbers of the applications or petitions you are requesting a fee waiver for. Add the name, date of birth and relationship of the family members on your main petition.
- Part 4: If you are filing based on means-tested benefits, enter the name of the household member receiving the benefit.
- Part 5: If you are filing based on low income, list your employment status, household size, and household annual income.
- Part 6: If you are filing based on financial hardship, add information about your situation, assets you can turn to cash, and total monthly expenses and liabilities.
- Part 7: Check the statement box that applies to your case. Provide your phone number and email address. Sign and date the form.
- Part 8: List the details of the interpreter, if you are using one, including name, contact details, and certification.
- Part 9: List the personal details of the individual preparing the request (if different from the one requesting the waiver).
- Part 10: Include any additional information you think supports your request.
5. Review Form I-912
Go through the document to make sure there is no missing information or errors. Double-check that all sections are complete.
6. Attach Supporting Documents
Include clear copies of all supporting documents in the same order as listed on the form.
Label each document to show how it supports your eligibility — for example, ‘Proof of Means-Tested Benefits.’
7. Prepare Your Immigration Application Or Petition
Fill out your application or petition that requires a fee waiver, ensuring the details on both the application and Form I-912 are consistent.
8. Prepare Your Package
Attach Form I-912 and supporting documents to the front of your immigration application or petition.
Include any other required forms and documents for your application.
9. Mail Your Application & Fee Waiver Request
Find the correct USCIS mailing address for the application or petition you are submitting.
If you are filing multiple forms together, include a separate Form I-912 for each eligible application.
10. Monitor Your Case Status
Wait for Form I-797 from USCIS, confirming they received your application and fee waiver request.
Track your case online using the receipt number on Form I-797.
11. Respond To Requests For Evidence (RFE)
Be sure to send any additional information USCIS requests (if applicable) within the specified timeframe.
While you can complete all these steps on your own, working with an immigration lawyer will help you avoid mistakes that can delay your immigration journey.

Form I-912: Cost
While filing Form I-912 is free, you may need to pay if you choose to hire an immigration attorney or legal representative to help you with the process.
Hiring a professional will ensure:
- You have the right to request a fee waiver
- The form is filled out accurately
- All required supporting documents are attached
Keep in mind that legal fees vary depending on your case’s complexities and the services provided.
Check out everything you need to know about appointing an attorney or accredited representative by filing Form G-28.
Need Help With Form I-912? Schedule A Consultation
Applying for a fee waiver and filing your main immigration application or petition can be stressful. That’s where our caring and compassionate team at Spar & Bernstein steps in.
We will:
- Assess your financial situation to see if you are eligible for a fee waiver
- Collect appropriate supporting documents
- Help fill out Form I-912 to avoid mistakes that can lead to delays and rejections of your application
- Check if your immigration application is completed correctly
- Verify that the information in your fee waiver request aligns with what is on your main petition
- Submit Form I-912 and your application/petition on your behalf
- Represent and guide you throughout the process
- Monitor your case and keep you updated
Form I-912: FAQs
If you are thinking of requesting a fee waiver, check out additional FAQs in the section below.
How long does it take to process Form I-912?
Form I-912 is typically processed together with the main application or petition.
Can I submit Form I-912 after I have filed my application?
No, Form I-912 must be submitted together with the application or petition you are requesting the fee waiver for.
What if I forgot to include Form I-912 with my application?
If you forgot to include Form I-912 and did not pay the filing fee, your application may be rejected. You will need to resubmit your application and either include a completed Form I-912 or pay the correct fee.
Do I need to include a separate Form I-912 if I am filing multiple applications?
Yes, you need to submit a separate Form I-912 for each application or petition for which you are requesting a fee waiver.
Can I include family members in one fee waiver request if they are applying on the same form?
Yes, if you and your family members are filing together on the same form, you can request a fee waiver on a single Form I-912.
What if my information on Form I-912 is wrong or incomplete?
If you have provided inaccurate or incomplete information on your Form I-912, your fee waiver request will be denied. Make sure you fill out all required fields and include supporting documents.